Know Your Enemy
God has a purpose for your life, but he won't just throw a purpose on you without getting you ready. He often cares more about who you're becoming than where you're going. Our nature is to always think about where…
God has a purpose for your life, but he won't just throw a purpose on you without getting you ready. He often cares more about who you're becoming than where you're going. Our nature is to always think about where…
We've been studying the life of Gideon and the hero's journey that God has called him on. At the time, the Midianites were savage, ruthless barbarians who had been pillaging the areas, taking crops, women, and children. God's people needed…
A quote that changed my life is, "God cares more about who you're becoming than where you're going." We live in a world that cares about where you're going. But the truth is, God knows that who you are becoming…
Gideon's hero story starts with him in a place of hiding, and yet the Lord calls him a mighty warrior. God calls him who He sees in him. Similar to Gideon, that's where our journey begins, too. You must start…